My Wild Ones
These little ladies of mine sure do make my life shine. I often get told that I must have thousands and thousands of pictures of my children, and how lucky I must be. Truth is, I rarely bring out my camera, I’m just as guilty as grabbing the phone to snap pictures of our day-to-day happenings as the next mama. Yesterday, while these girls of mine goofed off in our yard, finally embracing the new WARMTH in the air we’ve waited so long for, I grabbed my camera for a few quick moments captured. So easy and fast, so worth it. I need to promise myself that I’ll make more of an effort to get nice photos of their childhood. I know (err HOPE) that one day they’ll appreciate it. It also lets me play around with a different style of processing, letting me flex my creative muscle, allows me take liberties (like shooting everything at 1.4) that I normally wouldn’t risk. Maybe if I ask nicely enough, I can talk them into going out into a field for some non-backyard images?